Goal Setting: SMART should be your goal!
Friends, here I am writing some similar goals in front of you:
I'd like to get a good number
I want to get good numbers in Maths.
I have to bring good numbers in Maths in annual exam.
I have to bring at least 80 numbers in Maths in the annual exam.
I have to bring 100 numbers in Maths in annual exam.
Only one of these goals can be called SMART. Can you tell which is that?
Before knowing the correct answer, let's know what SMART goal means:
SMART means:
S –Specific (Explicit)
M -Measurable (which can be measured)
A- Achievable (Complete)
R - Realistic
T - Time-bound (tied in time)
A SMART goal should have all the qualities mentioned above.
Similarly, many people say that my goal is to become a successful man. But when you ask them in which area they may not be able to give a satisfactory answer. That is, he is not clear about his goal, and when the goal is not clear, then there is no question of his achieving it.
2) Measurable: Your goal should be such that it can be measured on a scale. That is, a number must be associated with that goal. For example, if someone says that his goal is to reduce weight, then the question arises how much is to be reduced. When numbers are added with Goal, you can measure your progress. And it can be known that you have not achieved your goal properly. So a good goal is always measurable.
3) Achievable: If you will make such a goal that gives you such feeling from inside that brother it is impossible, then such goal has no meaning. Friends, our sub-conscious mind is more powerful than conscious mind, if you make an impossible goal with conscious mind and the subconscious does not support it, then your chances of accomplishing your goal will be equal. For example. You decide that I have to bring 100 numbers in Maths and your past record tells that if you hardly pass in this subject, then immediately your subconscious brain will deny it and you will not be able to achieve this goal. On the other hand, if you think of getting 75% marks, then you will be more likely to succeed.
4) Realistic: Your goal should be realistic for you. There is a thin line between Achievable and Realistic. The goal which is realistic can be achievable, but the one which is achievable is also not necessary to be realistic. For example, to top the exam is an achievable goal, but if you have not studied from the beginning and now there are only a few days left in the exam then it will be unrealistic that you will top. Always make realistic goals according to your ability. Also keep in mind that any work can be realistic for someone else, but you have to see it from your angle and design your goals.
5) Time-Bound: If you do not set a time limit with Goals, then you will not feel urgency to achieve it and you will not be able to do the right thing to meet it. Therefore, while deciding the goal, it is very important to decide by when to achieve it. I have often heard people say that I have to start a business, but it is rarely heard that I have to start business from this month of this year. So whenever you make your goal, keep in mind how long you have to achieve it and make it part of your thinking, by doing this, the Law of Attraction will also help you to achieve your goals.
So if we return to our starting question, we will find that in most cases "I have to bring at least 80 numbers in Maths in Annual Exam" will be an SMART goal. If talking about "I have to bring 100 numbers in Maths in Annual exam" then it will not be achievable or realistic for most people, but for some people who are exceptionally good in Maths it is an SMART goal. It is possible . But such a species is rarely found.🙂
To make SMART goal means to win half the battle, and not to lose. To win the remaining half, you will have to plan how you will achieve this goal… It will be talked about sometime… Thanks. :)
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