10 Practical Ways to Stay Productive All Day Long

10 Practical Ways to Stay Productive All Day Long:

Feeling unsatisfied at the end of the day is not new for many people. That’s what mean is that we are not being productive as we should be or at least what we expect from ourselves .That mean we are not satisfied with what we do or how we do.
We have many people around ourselves whether they are our friends or colleagues who complete their hour-long tasks in 20 minutes. Do they have any special powers? No. They are common people as we are. What they have is that they are productive and that is actually secret of many successful people around the world.

That is why I thought that let's do a little study on this subject and know how the world's most productive people are able to make themselves like this. And based on this study, today I am sharing 10 practical ways to be productive all day.
So in simple terms, being productive means how much or how quickly we are getting output compared to our effort which is input in this case.

For example: If "A" reads a chapter in 5 hours and "B" completes the same chapter in 3 hours, then "B" more productive.

All we have to do is to increase our productivity by adopting some proven methods so that we can do more work in less time and spend the remaining time with our children, friends and parents or pursue any interest or hobby. So, then when we go to sleep at night, we should feel  SATISFIED that yes today was a good day.

So, let’s see,
Here are the 10 Practical Ways to stay Productive All Day Long:

1. Make a habit of planning tomorrow tonight:

Many times when we wake up in the morning, we are not clear what to do now and mostly we take a look for updates on mobile, check email or flip the pages of newspaper… and even in this work we are not focused Because at the back of mind, we just think about what to do Today.

Starting the day in this way means inviting unproductivity. So when you go to sleep at night, plan your day before sleeping in your diary * or mobile. In this way, you write down what you have to do for the whole day tomorrow, and allocate time accordingly.

So, make your tomorrow's To-Do-List tonight.

* Diary is better because mobile itself is a very disturbing tool!

Self-Improvement Guru Brian Tracy says -

Today's last task should be ''Planning for Tomorrow'. By doing this our sub-conscious mind starts preparing us for our goals at the time of sleeping and when we wake up we are much more well prepared to do that. There are ideas and insights and one of the advantages of this is that we do not waste time thinking about what to do tomorrow and immediately we get out of bed to do what we have planned for Today.

I usually do the work of making a to-do list, but I have seen that many times I avoid this important work and just start doing something at random, this kills my productivity.

That is why I will also make a habit of doing this important work at night.

2. Start your morning half an hour before:

Well, getting up early in the morning is a desirable habit, but most people are not able to do it… never mind..you do so much that you wake up just half an hour before your normal time. By doing this, you will not be in a hurry as soon as you wake up. You will be able to feel comfortable in the morning and get up with a positive frame of mind and you will be able to convert this good start of the day into a productive day.

3. Get up in the morning and drink a big glass of water and do a light exercise:

Drinking water will keep your body hydrated and by exercising at-least 10 minutes your blood circulation will be correct and you will be able to feel fresh. Apart from this, you must eat at least one fresh fruit daily and have a healthy protein rich breakfast. With this you will be able to remain energized throughout the day.

4. Keep two mobile numbers:

Friends, if the name of only one thing that bothers us the most, then it will probably be mobile.

So if you want to be super-productive then keep two mobile numbers with you: one who knows the world and the other who only a handful of people know… ..like your spouse, boss, kids and best friend..not friends. And this other no. Keep only to talk… it would be better that you do not enable mobile data or internet on this number.

In this simple way, you will be able to control the biggest disturbance of digital era very hard and in-turn will increase your productivity.

5. Create No Interruption Zone (NIZ) and complete the most important work first:

According to a study, if we are doing some work in our full flow and someone interrupts or disturb us in the middle, then it takes at least 20 minutes to come back to the same flow.

So during the whole day you can create one or two NIZs in which you will be doing only and only the work that you want to do and neither any individual nor any device will interrupt you.

For this, you can also put a board of "DO NOT DISTURB" on your door or desk, or you can work somewhere else than your usual place. And of course you will keep your Public Mobile Number Switch Off or silent this time.

The only objective to create NIZ is to be fully involved in the work you are going to do. Therefore, giving this time HIGH IMPORTANCE, spend one moment of it just to do the one thing that you had thought to do.

6. Play with Mind:

Mind or mind control is probably the most difficult task in this world. When you are doing your important work, this mind will say-

Oh, this had to be done… That too had to be done… A mail was also to come…. Somebody must have done whatsapp too…

And while watching it diverts your attention away from your work and takes it somewhere else…. Why does it happen?

If you escape from it then you might not need any more productivity tip..but how to avoid it?

Well, it is difficult to control the mind but it can be played with it to some extent… As soon as your mind tries to divert you towards something else, you speak to yourself immediately -

This is the most important work for me at this time and I will rise only after completing it.
And with this saying, you should be completely self-disciplined that you will not take any physical action that will disturb your present work.

For ex: Mind is asking you to check mail first thing; You will explain to him that the work I am doing right now is the most important and only after that I will do something else. Second, you will not take your mobile under the pretense of mind or open the mail on the system.

If you can do this, then you will be able to save yourself from a huge distraction and will be able to devote your time to the right place.

 7. Do the work you do repeatedly at a specific time:

Repeated tasks like checking email, YouTube, Facebook, or WhatsApp…. Frequent checking your blog's stats, or tracking the prices of shares. Because of these, we waste a lot of precious time.

Instead of looking at them throughout the day, you can keep them for some specific times like morning to-do-list after doing the first job, while traveling, after lunch or dinner.

I know, this will be difficult to do but it can be done by being self-disciplined and a lot of time can be utilized in the right things.

8. Start saying "no":

The world's greatest investor Warren Buffet says -

"The difference between successful people and truly successful people is that truly successful people" do "almost everything.

Therefore, do not get ready immediately for everyone's work. Where you are genuinely needed, you can be prepared for such tasks, but if someone stops you doing something that he can easily do himself, then you should call him politely 'NO'.

This will not cause unnecessarily wasteful work in your bucket and you will be able to increase your productivity.

9. Organize yourself better:

According to US News and World Report-

An average American spends a year of their life looking for lost things!
I do not know the average of India, but a few days ago I spent 2 hours searching for my Gas Pass Book.

And, I know, the same thing will happen to many people who are reading this article. But if we organize ourselves better… keep our things in the right place, properly name the files on our computer and keep them in the right folders… your clothes… your shoes… your documents are good We can save many hours every month!

Therefore, to be super productive, we must develop this habit.

10. Don’t give up:

It is very natural that today you are very excited to improve your productivity but maybe within a few days you can go back to the old pattern and start doing the same thing as before.

Don't worry most people do the same… .but most people do not do that to make efforts to improve their productivity back… .and you have to do that… only then you leave the majority of millions of unproductive people and thousands of super productive Will be able to come in the minority of people. So keep trying despite repeated failures in your efforts to become productive… Keep on trying new ways to improve yourself and ultimately your today will be better than your past.

 Some Additional Tips:

Try to avoid peak traffic times. Many times, leaving just 10 minutes before or after can save you 1 hour.
If you are still depositing in electricity, mobile or other bill lines, then you are behind the times, you can save a lot of precious time by making online payments.

Do you also want to add any of your tips to this list… Please tell through the comment … Do you know any suggested simple way to save precious time of millions of people… .Make them even more productive.

Friends, if we double our Productivity, then in a way we will double our Life. Because we will be able to do double work in the same time… so do not forget to read this article, make these ten ways one by one part of your life… make your habit… .I am doing the same… you too … Let's do it.

All the best!
