17 Tips to become Good Speaker:
A normal person can also look different from the crowd, if he's a good speaker! If you're afraid of group seminars, meetings, or going to a stage, your feet tremble just by thinking about addressing the crowd, or when you talk to anybody they ignore you. So this article can help you.
So let's know 17 ways to be a good speaker:
1) Prepare:
This is the first and foremost point . You should be prepared according to the subject, the place and the group you are going to give the speech in front of. Give yourself enough time to prepare, use google, newspapers, library and create powerful content, rehear it in front of the mirror, listen to and correct mistakes by recording your speech, if possible. Remember doesn't matter how good you may speak, but if your content is insufficient no body is going to like it.
You can also understand the importance of preparation from Mark Twain, one of the greatest writers and humourist of all time:
"It usually takes me three weeks to prepare an unprepared speech."
2) Think that you have to succeed:
The biggest source of success is that you never give up. Don't even think about defeat. We get output for the brain the way we give input to the brain. If we send a message of constant failure and defeat to the mind, our defeat is certain. So always give the mind and mind a message of success and confidence, so you will always be happy as a output and the body will be willing to move forward accordingly. If you always and every time you say to yourself that "you can do it for sure, you have that quality in you, you'll accomplish it successfully." , surely you can win the hearts of the audience.
3) Connect with listeners:
Always try to connect with the audience, if you've ever visited their city before, repeat those things, put the memorable moments in front of them. Talk about the rare monuments of that place. If you know some people in that countless crowd and they are distinguished, respectfully mention them.
Always try to do things like you've been associated with that city for a long time, you have a lot of love and affection for them, and you love that city yourself. The more these things come out of your heart, the more listeners will like you, the more you don't like artificial things. And the more listeners you like, the more they will trust you.
Try to say things well.
Instead of saying this: If you want to make this city of you beautiful, you have to remove the pollution!
Thread it in different terms: If we want to make this city beautiful, we all have to work together to remove the pollution.
4) Speak without watching speech:
If you want to become an effective speaker then you should speak without seeing. Of course you can keep some notes with you, or you can also take the entire speech by typing. But your practice should be such that the listener feels that you are speaking and not reading.
Again, giving a bad speech without looking is better than seeing the right things spoken. So if you are not comfortable speaking without looking, then instead of trying it on a big occasion, you can try to do it on small occasions. Anything can be learned from practice, so to become an effective orator, you have to be proficient in the art of speaking without looking.
5) Maintain eye contact:
A good speaker always looks into the audience's eyes while giving a speech, by doing so, his self-confidence is revealed. You should also keep in mind that instead of looking around, you should see the audience. And also note that you are not only seeing these special people on one side but are also eyeing the whole group in turn.
6) Talk of interest:
If you want to become a successful speaker, then you should always keep in mind the choice of the listener. When you give the listener a friendly atmosphere, talk about their business, their problems, then the listener never feels lonely. Little stories of your life and things related to their life, moments of small happiness, when you come in the middle of your speech, then it does not take long for the listener to adopt you .. If you listener, institution or any society of that society When talking about specific achievement in front of them, their mouths are left open in response, because they are surprised to hear how all the speaker came to know!
7) Do not panic if you make a mistake:
It is not a wrong thing to say something wrong or get stuck in the middle of a speech, provided you handle this situation smartly. On such occasions you can also give it a twist of humor, or you can continue the speech by speaking directly, "Excuse me". Everyone knows that speaking on stage is not so easy, in such a situation it is natural to have small mistakes and there is no need to panic.
8) Always avoid condemnation:
Avoid condemning the audience or the things related to them, when you are giving your speech, you should focus on the audience and always keep in mind that the matter coming out of your mouth will have full effect on the front. Many times we condemn a region and its chaos in a loud and sharp tone, but due to this condemnation we are not able to make a place in the heart of the audience! If you ever said that the listeners here are not supporting, or that there is no shortage of talent here but this city is not good for the talented people, then the chances of getting angry will increase greatly. It is also possible that they cannot control their emotions and you may have to suffer humiliation there too!
See, you cannot change things overnight by condemning them, so instead of focusing on a deficiency, it would be right to talk about remedies to remove that deficiency, and that is what your listeners will like.
9) Win hearts with praise:
Give genuine appreciation to the listeners by opening their hearts, because praise is the best way to win the heart. Listeners are very intelligent, they get to know the difference between fictitiousness and reality very well. If you have gone to a college to give speech and you say to the students: "You are the best students in the world" or "We have not seen good and promising students like you till date", then children will understand that you are just fooling!
But if you say: - "Children, seeing all of you, I remembered my college life. You all welcomed me so well, put tilak (religious sect) on my forehead. I found it very heartwarming. Old memories were refreshed, my mother used to apply tilak on my forehead, you all reminded me of them, thank you for that! "
So they will like it. In this way, you can win the heart of the audience through praise in just few words ..
10) Never start with lowliness or apology:
Many people feel nervous as soon as they go on stage, so many people start with an apology. They start with such lines as, "I was not even able to come here but you invited me here" or "You gave so much respect to a little man like me" or "I apologize for not being here for so many days." had got.."
If you are starting to apologize or showing your speech, you are just wasting the time of the audience. It never makes a good impression on the front. Talk on the topic for which you have been invited and say goodbye. If you have to apologize for some reason, then say your words in the middle of the speech in simple words, but do not start the speech with an apology.
11) Become a normal person and say:
Some people start thinking of themselves as big as they go on stage and listener is very normal! Never underestimate the audience by yourself, because the audience is present to listen to you, so you are standing on the stage. Instead of bragging about big things, make your words heard in simple terms like an ordinary person. It should always be kept in mind that big and literary things seem good only for praise, but common things directly affect the heart of the listener. The more a person talks to the ground and speaks, the more he gets fame ..
12) Use intelligence not copy:
Many people transmit the copy of the speech of others rightly to the listeners, but the listeners who have heard the same speech will not waste their time again to listen to it. Therefore, work with your intelligence and mind. Start your speech with simplicity in words. Try to make your own separate identity in any speech. Your feelings, which express your heart and body in a normal state, can never be created by imitating others .. So try to make an image of yourself on stage as best you can.
13) Use Humor:
Good speakers are a great weapon of humor or humor. The use of humor in the middle of the speech keeps the audience engaged and prevents serious topics from becoming monotonous. An important aspect of humor is "laugh at yourself", doing so exposes the humility of your personality. You can make the atmosphere happy by keeping a funny experience related to you among the audience.
Humor also has a dark side, if your timing is not right, it can have the opposite effect on the audience. So if you are proficient in this art, then do not forcefully try. And also keep in mind that never joke about any religion, race, sex, etc.
14) Always be excited and make the audience excited:
Always keep yourself positive on the topic on which you have been called to give speech. All your enthusiasm should be reflected by your words and body. You must have ever seen the auction happening, how does the main speaker bid enthusiastically that on seeing it, he attracts everyone so much that people tend to bid higher than their status .. Whenever you If you are going to deliver your speech to the audience, take yourself to the peak of enthusiasm. Your confidence and enthusiasm will secure your place in the heart of the people.
15) Complete the speech in the given time:
Many times people start well, but they continue to drag their point so much that the audience becomes bored. Saying your words in short words is an art, and a good speaker knows this very well. Therefore, complete your talk in the same amount of time you have been given for the speech. Remember that a good speaker is not just someone who knows how to start a speech well, but is also one who knows how to stop at the right time.
16) Don't forget to Thanks:
Gratitude is one of the best feelings in the world. At the end of Speech, be sure to thank the organizers, sponsors, listeners, etc. for their support. Along with doing everything good, if you give heartfelt thanks to people, it works like a icing on the cake, never miss it.
17) All is well that ends well:
End of speech should be effective. At the end of the speech, people should be excited, or feel good. Many leaders end up raising slogans about their religion or country. This cannot be done everywhere but you can use some Poetic lines or some good quote. Ending the positive note on Speech makes it memorable and people remember it for a long time. So pay special attention to how the speech ends.
Remember you can become a high level speaker with practice, patience and preparation. So, keeping these things in mind, join your efforts and join the ranks of great speakers themselves.
Thanks & All the best!
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